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Paint Splatter


by Patrick Latter

by Patrick Latter

He shoved the heavy door open, causing some of the old paint peels to break off the piece of wood and lock. He dropped his painted covered knapsack onto the grimy floor and passed his hands through his disheveled curly hair. He unenthusiastically went through his mail as he shifted to the kitchen in search of something for his growling stomach although he knew that his prospects were low. His clothes were methodically stained with all shades and types of paint as if he was the canvas instead of the artist. His small fridge had barely been able to keep an old sandwich from expiring and after that was removed there was nothing but the white interior of the fridge left to mock him (something that he would have to remedy later). Not even that would be allowed to remain untainted by his painter’s hand.

The stray cat sat on the uneven table and watched him search the cupboards for the non-existent food. The ball of fur was covered naturally in orange, black and white patches of fur; its flurry of colors was the only reason that the feline menace was the only reason it was allowed to stay. Finally giving up, he pulled open a large pantry door with his canvas skin hands, before him were row among rows of high quality paint. The quality of the paint was way above the pay that one would assume he had judging by the state of his home.

The cat watched with its two differently colored eyes, judging him quietly as the artist lugged the paint cans to a black room. He could feel the hairs begin to stand up on the back of his neck, and the familiar tingle race across his skin. He quickly uncapped the paint cans and placed them in a semi-circle. The artiste turned his back towards the neon paints and faced the room he had covered in black poster paper.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the smell of fresh paint, and miraculously but not strangely, the dried paint lifted off his skin and hair and fell to the ground. Now there was a faint humming, a vibration in the air, and the waves originated from the center of the paint can and rippled out. The cat let out a short yowl and arched its back briefly before cowering behind an abandon paint can. The artist exhaled slowly and then tension in the air disappeared for a short moment.

Suddenly, almost as quickly as it had disappeared it came blasting back and large globs of paint shot up from the cans and hovered in the air. The artiste flicked his hand and it came rocketing forward, attacking both the black canvas and himself almost indiscriminately.

Then, the bombardment stopped and the remaining paint fell to the floor, and briefly, and beautifully, bounced up, mixing with each other before dying down and running amuck on the uncanvassed floor.

[For the original pictures and others like it check out Patrick Latter’s blog at and click here for more splash photography]

At It Again

Yes I know I am shameless because I am at it again. “It” being my third or fourth attempt at writing a book. So as I send my first 25 pages to my English teacher for review I sit here, procrastinating my studies, and reflect on my past works. I can bring to mind 4 attempts to write a book each with its own shortcomings:

1)Forever Friends Book 1: Water. I won’t lie in retrospect I was heavily influenced by Avatar the Last Air Bender combined with my own inhibitions and stealing personalities from my friends. It seemed like a very good idea in the beginning but like the rest. It fell through. I made it through the first couple of chapters (just wait you shall begin to see a pattern  before I reached up to a certain point that I’d had visualised and got bored. If I ever get the inspiration I shall start again. I honestly just got bored with this book and filed it away to the collect dust on my hard drive

2) Infinite Wars. I cannot remember basing this off anything in particular maybe a little Warehouse 13 but that was about it. The central characters were myself (I am incredibly vain) and this guy I had a crush on once upon a time (=/ not one of my best choices) well it was more like how I envisioned him (infatuation works wonders). My biggest mistake here was to write two stories at the same time, this one and the previous one. When I got bored with the first one I lost my inspiration for this one too, that and I woke up and realised how utterly completely disgusting the boy really was. I feel sorry for myself when I think back to it. I tried a couple times to revive it and the idea is still in my head but I never got around to it.

3) UMMMMMMMMMMMMM WAIT Don’t tell me I know this one. It’s on the tip of my tongue. *Pooh Bear face* Think Think Think. BINGO! I remember now 🙂 The story of Amelia Lockhart. It’s amazing how clear things become in retrospect. But anywhoo I do not believe that she had anything to do with Amelia Earhart. I believe I had just finished watching The Night At The Museum Trailer. In my mind this was going to be an utterly heart wrenching story, I am talking major motion picture 3D for no apparent reason but to use 3D. The problem with this one is that much unlike Ms. Earhart’s plane ‘Electra’ my book did not need to take off to mysteriously fade into oblivion. It had a teenager with a short attention span to do that for it.

4) The Return. Utterly and impossibly based on: 1)my friend and a dude she liked (yes I am shameless) and 2) my own sick fascination with not allowing death to hinder you in anyway. Interestingly enough that fascination has escalated to the point where I feel a story is incomplete without some kind of tragedy. Anyway ‘The Return’ was going strong until I lost my original creative writing book, the loss of all my drafts and writing material was too much for my fragile hear :p and once again I lost my motivation to write. That and the fact that my friend got entirely fed up with said boy. I think friends should stay interested in guys for the sole interest of me finishing my book. I went through all that trouble of killing him before the book even began. 😦 It is not fair.

So as you can see most of my books fell through due to boredom or the loss of inspiration which is why in my latest attempt I have shamelessly based it on my best friends and I don’t think I will be losing them any time soon. I do not have a title for it yet but at least I have a plot. Also it was partial inspired by Leverage (Kraniac!!!!!!!) so wish me luck!

(Oh and there is no real moral to this story, take it how you will. I just wanted to get some thoughts out)

Hugs, Kisses, Jungle Cats, Seafood Poisoning, and Calcium overdose, with love


Super Important (II)

Dear Followers, tomorrow I will change this blog address from to After which the former blog address will be invalid. Make sure to check out all my new posts every Tuesday at the new address and to show this blog to all your friends, enemies and acquaintance. Any questions, queries, comments, emotional outburst? feel free to tell me if there are. Please & Thank You


Super Important

Dear my wonderful 26 followers and future followers in about one month time (if i remember) I will change my blog address to either or I will confirm one week before said change. After I make this change this address will be invalid but hopefully nothing else will change.


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