WWW-Wednesday as Prompted by Should Be Reading

I know it is no longer Wednesday but I need a posting pick me up

What are you currently reading?- On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

What did you recently finish reading?- “Recently” being relative I last read was Bitten by Kelly Armstrong and I read it this summer.

What do you think you’ll read next? – I think I want to finish one of the Anthony Horowitz series that I started.

Quote of the Week

Teacher Education Requirements via http://www.una.edu/

There is no end to education.  It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning

– Jiddu krishnamurti

Dreaming Black Boy

Dreaming Black Boy by James Berry

I wish my teacher’s eyes wouldn’t

go past me today. Wish he’d know

it’s okay to hug me when I kick

a goal. Wish I myself wouldn’t

hold back when an answer comes.

I’m no woodchopper now

like all ancestors.


I wish I could be educated

to the best of tune up, and earn

good money and not sink to lick

boots. I wish I go could go on every

crisscross way of the globe

and no persons or powers or

hotel keepers would make it a waste.


I wish life wouldn’t spend me out

opposing. Wish same way creation

would have me stand it would have

me stretch, and hold high, my voice

Paul Roberson’s, my inside eye

a sun. Nobody wants to say

hello to nasty answers.


I wish torch throwers of night

would burn lights for decent times.

Wish plotters in pyjamas would pray

for themselves. Wish people wouldn’t

talk as if I dropped from Mars.


I wish only boys were scared

behind bravados, for I could suffer.

I could suffer a big big lot.

I wish nobody would want to earn

the terrible burden I can suffer.

Word of the Week

Who is Doing a Happy Dance? I am via http://www.democraticunderground.com/

Tarantism- an urge to overcome melancholy by dancing, verb

Have You Ever?

It’s like I’ve opened up the door to my heart and given him unadulterated access and it’s been open so long that i feel it will never truly be closed again. I just want him to offer me his heart one more time and I want to belive that I will not hesitate to take a knife to it and match my scars on him I want him to feel what I feel. But deep down inside I don’t know if I ever will
Sent from my Sprint phone.
Have you ever, opened up your heart so damn wide
That when it’s done, you can’t shut it properly no more
 Did you ever realize, that the same way a person has access to build up your heart. They can just as easily tear it down.
Did you ever feel, so helpless, as they came and went,
Tracking their muddy prints through the threshold to your soul?
Did you ever, look to the sky and asked Jah why must you suffer so.
We’re you ever so naive, that you never even thought about taking the chance to strike them back until their doors were closed.
And now, your one, redeeming wish,
Is that they open up their doors just once more,
so you can match your scars
And you try so very hard to belive, that you will do this without hesitation
 But in reality they’re still influencing your heart, soul and mind
And you have to fight not to jump at the chance to futilely open your doors to their ungrateful Asses
And of course, you look to the sky, you beg
For the ability to confront them, to scream, to unload all your baggage without any conditions or consequences
 Because, every time you go for closure, all you ever leave with is more regret
Because somehow they have the ability to turn the tables and weave any lie in to your head
suddenly youre the bad guy, youre the reason it never works and suddenly you just can’t argue anymore
 Do you ever, feel like me?

Quote of the Week

Unlock the Door to Personal Success via http://dave-sheahan.com/

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence

–  Confucius

Word of the Week

GREETING WITH HAT CLIP ART via http://www.clker.com/

Qualtagh- the person you see after leaving your house, noun

Description- An Aged Matriarch

Bent Willow Tree by altergromit via http://altergromit.deviantart.com/

She lay there on the twin sized bed, making no attempt to even draw back the curtains and let fresh air in. It made me wonder when was the last  time she felt the sun or the wind, or saw the sea which was right outside her door.  Somewhere along the line of life she had become weak and feeble and almost detestable.

Her pale skin had shown the neglect and the wrinkles which criss-crossed over her skin told the story of her resignation to living rather than resilience towards life. Her mouth had long since lost the stern edge that I was told set a whole village of children straight. Unfortunately, now all she did was lie on the bed,  day and night; occasionally she got up to the bathroom or eat. But that was only ever with help.

She had a mind as clear and memories as vivid as yours, but seldom could be motivated into conversation unless it reflected on age old memories. It perplexed me how someone could hold so much information but have so little motivation to share .

Her life was one which made you question the tenacity of man and your own will. If the backbone of a village, mother to seven plus two, plus two could be content with living the rest of her life, unmoving from an airless room, then where would you be? Who would you turn into?

Quote of the Week

Give the World the Next Generation via http://www.shutterstock.com/

Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards – the things we live by and teach our children – are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings.

Walt Disney

Word of the Week

Stock Illustration- People Arrange Box via http://www.canstockphoto.com/

Collocate-  i. to set or place together in proper order,

                   ii. to arrange side by side.

the Daily Misfortune

Not for those seeking a fortune, of course

Beyond Panic

"As long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist." Og Mandino

we hunted the mammoth

the new misogyny, tracked and mocked

We Hunted The Mammoth

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

The Byronic Man

Joel K Clements

More Than Young Ink

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin