Infinite Wars: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 [here]

Chapter 1


A fair skinned figure was perched outside of the school building in a tree. She was high enough and so far enough that no one had a chance of spotting her.

Silently she moved to a higher branch in the maple tree, her binoculars never leaving the school building. Every few minutes she would move to take notes, and occasionally brush a stray braid of hair out of her face.

Her black braids were pulled into a messy bun, with a few strands falling into her face, she wore black combat clothes, her hazel eyes covered by her sunshades, and an ear piece, her small backpack next to her in the tree. This girl was tall slender, and pretty. Her nails were cut short and neat. She was agile and lethal, trained in assassination, you could never be too careful. Although you would never suspect it in a thirteen year-old, she could turn an alarm clock into a grenade.


The school’s bell rang, loud and clear. The noise would have made anyone else -who had been sitting in a tree for half an hour in dead silence- jump, but Daneille stayed absolutely still.

Soon teenagers flooded out of the school – eager to escape the captivity of their school grounds- they pushed and ran. With ease she scanned through the crowd picking out all the stereo types, but none of them was the one she was looking for.

Suddenly she froze, as she became aware that stooping 4 feet from her was a male counterpart.

He raised an eyebrow and hesitated for the shortest second before speaking. “Spying again?” his smooth voice asked. It had the slightest hint of a British accent.

Danielle let out a low oath. The tree hadn’t shuddered nor given any indication that it had just gained the additional weight. But yet here this boy crouched across from her.

“And if I was, it was merely training.’ She answered a bit miffed.

Grimacing he climbed down from the tree.

“Whatever.” She sighed jumping down from the tree.


Inaudibly he shadowed her as she went behind the school building. Still irritated she spun around and stared at the 6 foot 1 figure in front of her.

His skin was extremely light but not pale; his hair was auburn and short. To most girls in his high school his wide brown eyes, slender face and muscular appearance was very attractive. This accompanied with that quiet thoughtful demeanor he always had caused them to swoon for him. To Most people it was a bad boy attitude, but Danielle, as his partner knew it was not a bad boy act. He was thoughtful person, quiet hardly ever spoke, but in their team he was spokesperson. Maybe because his quiet demeanor intimidated some, or maybe because it was because she was the kind to shoot first ask questions later. Whatever it was he was the spokesperson. He still wore the blue jeans pants, black polo shirt, and Nike sneakers that she had seen in him this morning, so hopefully he had not gotten into too much trouble.

He was her partner, her friend, and as close as she was ever going to get to a family. But Danielle didn’t dwell on those thoughts. This way the academy wanted it, and this was the way it was.

Danielle walked into the corner; it was surrounded by dense bush and trees. Alexander was blocking the only seeing point.

“Well, Alexander.” She said tapping her foot impatiently.

He turned around “Graduation is soon, well what you going to get James and Corin.”

“I don’t know what you will get James. But I bought a dress for Corin.” She thought out loud

Sound of buttons popping —-> clothes falling.

“A dress?” he two words replaced a monologue of queries.

“A normal dress would be silly, but this one has inside pockets for carrying weaponry and the lowest part rips away to become a bit more flexible. It’s simple what do you buy someone trained in assassination, sabotage, intelligence. A weapon.”

“It’s the first time you’ve said it out right since, Delary was killed.”

A short pause, —> the sound of a zipper, ——> and a sigh.

“I’m done. Well it’s what the academy is for. We are being trained to be guns for hire. Also to be a team, I know one half you know the other. Delary was killed because the academy though she could work it alone. It is not my fault.”

The sound of footsteps.

Gently, Danielle wrapped her hands around his neck from behind him and pressed her head into his shoulder.

“Besides I’m hungry.” She whispered.

As usual without saying a word he unwrapped her hand, and towed her toward the old dumpsite about a five minute ride on his motorcycle.

In silence they walked to the dumpsite. As they approached they noticed a number of cars outside at the dumping ground entrance. With that route it would take the first responders  hours to get to the school, but even if they did The Academy would stop them.

“Hmmm. Must be another jumper.”  Alexander commented in his usual passive voice. Danielle nodded and continued on.

There was an abandon ramp just at the beginning of the dumpsite. It was famous for the teens who would break there bones jumping into a huge pile of “soft” mattresses at the bottom of that huge ramp. Teenagers were forever jumping of the back end of the ramp or skating down the rickety ramp itself. The ramp had many of holes and weak spots. At any given moment it could crumble. But that fact just made the adrenaline rush more exciting. Boys will be Boys.

Soon they reached the abandon opening.

“Unidentified intruders, enter thumb scans.” A recorded voice commanded.

They complied.

“Enter eye scan.”

They complied

“Duo name.”

“Gemini Project Eata Class .” They answered simultaneously.

They walked to the school, only to freeze as they took in the sight before them.

The metal gate slid open and they stepped in. They stood on the hill a considerable distance from the school. The sites that awaited them would haunt Danielle for years to come.

About Siobhan Pascal

I'm an aspiring novelist and poet. I love to read especially fiction and supernatural stories. I like to draw inspiration from the people around me but set stories in place I have never been and most likely romanticize. I like to think that I am pragmatic and not easily excited however when I get my hands on a good book I don't want to stop reading until I'm done.

Posted on September 22, 2013, in Abstracts, Reviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

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